Diwali Homework 2023-24

Class VI
- Write 2nd PT test paper in notebook.
- Make one working model of your choice.
- Write the all properties of divisibility test of numbers.
- Write the property of tringle, circle, cube, cuboid, squire and rectangle.
- Write 2nd PT test paper in notebook.
विषय – संस्कृत
- पांच श्लोक लिखिए |
- चतुर्थ: पाठ – विद्यालय (प्रश्न 7 ख)
- पंचम पाठ: – वृक्षा ( अभ्यास प्रश्न 1)
- सप्तम पाठ: – बकस्य प्रतिकार (हिंदी अनुवाद)
- अष्टम पाठ: – सूक्ति स्तबक: (अभ्यास प्रश्न 6)
Subject – ENGLISH
- Paragraph writing on “Diwali”.
- Story writing – (a) Farmer and Hen, (b) Monkey and the Capseller, (c) The Friendly Mongoose, (d) A Tale of Two Birds, (e) The Shepherd’s Treasure.
- Letter Writing ( Write any 2 letters – Informal)
- PT 2 Paper solve.
विषय – हिंदी
- बाल राम कथा के आधार पर संक्षिप्त में राम कथा का वर्णन करें | ( शब्द सीमा – 150)
- वसंत पाठ्यपुस्तक में से कोई दो कविता लिखे व याद करें |
- वसंत पाठ्यपुस्तक में से पाठ 10 तक ( कविताओ को छोड़कर) प्रत्येक पाठ से 1 प्रश्नोतर करें |
- आपकी इच्छानुसार कम से से कम दो पत्रों का लेखन करें|
- “मेरा विद्यालय” व “दीपावली” शीर्षक पर अनुच्छेद लिखिए|
- द्वितीय सामयिक टेस्ट पेपर को हल करें |
Subject – SCIENCE
- Write the summary of Chapter 1, 2, and 3
- Write 3 questions and their answers for Ch-1, 2 & 3.
- Project :- Collect the leaf of the plants near by home, fields, etc. (at least 5) and affix them in your notebook and name under them.
Subject – COMPUTER
- Draw a labelled picture of computer.
- Write full form of CPU.
- Write the name of Computer’s father.
- Draw any four icon of Social sites/apps.
Subject – G.K.
- Prepare the list of states and UTs of India with their capital names.
Class V
Subject – EVS
- Write 2 PT test papers in notebooks.
- Make one working model of your choice.
Subject – ENGLISH
- Story writing and learning (any four)
- Letter writing and learning (any three)
- Poem writing and learning (any four)
- PT 2 paper solution.
- Write any 2 questions and their answers from each chapter.
विषय – हिंदी
- पाठ – हम भारत के भरत
- भाषा, संज्ञा, सर्वनाम, व विशेषण की परिभाषा व प्रकार लिखिए |
- विलोम शब्द 20
- पर्यायवाची 20
- मुहावरे – 5
- दीपावली पर निम्बध लिखिए |
- Draw a chart of Raman numbers 1 to 60.
- Write and learn the table 2 to 40.
- Solve the question paper of 2PT.
Subject – COMPUTER
- Draw a labelled picture of computer.
- Write full form of CPU.
- Write the name of Computer’s father.
- Draw any four icon of Social sites/apps.
Subject – G.K.
- Prepare the list of states and UTs of India with their capital names.
Class IV
Subject – EVS
- Write 2 PT test papers in notebook.
- Make one working model of your choice.
Subject – ENGLISH
- Write the 2 questions from chapter 1-10.
- Question paper of PT 2 solution ( 2 times)
- Story writing and learning ( any 2 )
- Letter writing ( any 1)
- Application writing.
- Write the Roman numbers from 1 to 100.
- Write and learn the tables 2 to 25 .
- Write the all properties of multiplication.
- Solve the PT 2’s question paper.
विषय – हिंदी
- पाठ 1 – प्रकृति कहती है
- पाठ 2 – अभ्यास प्रश्न 1 लिखित
- पाठ 3 – अभ्यास प्रश्न 2 लिखित
- पाठ 4 – त्योहारों का देश हमारा
- संज्ञा की परिभाषा व प्रकार लिखिए |
- विलोम शब्द 20
- पर्यायवाची 20
Subject – COMPUTER
- Draw a labelled picture of computer.
- Write full form of CPU.
- Write the name of Computer’s father.
- Draw any four icon of Social sites/apps.
Subject – G.K.
- Prepare the list of states and UTs of India with their capital names.
Class III
Subject – EVS
- Write 2 PT test papers in notebook.
- Make one working model of your choice.
Subject – ENGLISH
- Write the 2 questions from chapter 1-10.
- Question paper of PT 2 solution ( 2 times)
- Story writing and learning ( any 2 )
- Letter writing ( any 1)
- Application writing.
- Write the Roman numbers from 1 to 100.
- Write and learn the tables 2 to 25 .
- Write the all properties of multiplication.
- Solve the PT 2’s question paper.
विषय – हिंदी
- संज्ञा की परिभाषा व प्रकार लिखिए |
- विलोम शब्द 20
- पर्यायवाची 20
Subject – COMPUTER
- Draw a labelled picture of computer.
- Write full form of CPU.
- Write the name of Computer’s father.
- Draw any four icon of Social sites/apps.
Subject – G.K.
- Prepare the list of states and UTs of India with their capital names.
Class II
Subject – ENGLISH
- Poem – God’s Love.
- Chapter – 2Maggi’s Candyland.
Subject – EVS
विषय – हिंदी
- वर्णमाला लिखिए|
- स्वरो की मात्राऐ लिखिए।
- सप्ताह के दिनो के नाम लिखिए।
- महिनो के नाम लिखिए।
- पांच फलो के चित्र बनाकर उसके नाम लिखिए।
- प्रतिदिन एक पाठ को पढिए
- बालगीत में प्रतिदिन अभ्यास करे।
- Write and learn the numbers 1 to 200 .
- Write and learn the tables 2 to 20 .
- Solve the addition and subtraction.
Class I
Subject – ENGLISH
- Apple to Zebra writing
- Names of the week
- Months’ names
- Vowels
- Consonants
- Rearrange the letters
- Join the letters
- Find out the word
- Complete the box in alphabetic order
- Self introduction
- Use of this/that, these/those.
- Do practice in alphabet writing book.
विषय – हिंदी
- वर्णमाला लिखिए|
- स्वरो की मात्राऐ लिखिए।
- सप्ताह के दिनो के नाम लिखिए।
- महिनो के नाम लिखिए।
- पांच फलो के चित्र बनाकर उसके नाम लिखिए।
- प्रतिदिन एक पाठ को पढिए
- बालगीत में प्रतिदिन अभ्यास करे।
- Write and learn the numbers 1 to 100 .
- Write and learn the tables 2 to 10 .
- Solve the addition.
Class UKG
Subject – ENGLISH
- Capital and small alphabet
- Cursive alphabet (Capital and small)
- A- Apple to Z- Zebra
- Do practice in alphabet writing book.
विषय – हिंदी
- वर्णमाला लिखिए|
- स्वरो की मात्राऐ लिखिए।
- बारहखडी लिखिए।
- सुलेख में प्रतिदिन अभ्यास करे।
- Write and learn the counting 1 to 100 .
Class LKG
Subject – ENGLISH
- Capital and small alphabet
- A- Apple to Z- Zebra
- Do practice in alphabet writing book.
विषय – हिंदी
- वर्णमाला लिखिए|
- स्वरो की मात्राऐ लिखिए।
- बारहखडी लिखिए।
- सुलेख में प्रतिदिन अभ्यास करे।
- Write and learn the counting 1 to 100.
Class Nursery
Subject – ENGLISH
- A- Apple to Z- Zebra
- Do practice in alphabet writing book.
- Write and learn the counting 1 to 10.
विषय – हिंदी
- स्वर (अ, आ, इ, ई, उ, ऊ, ऋ, ए, ऐ, ओ, औ, अं, अ:) लिखिए|
- सुलेख में प्रतिदिन अभ्यास करे।